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Over 35 years of service
Over 35 years of service

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Natural Methods, Effective Solutions, Peace of Mind

4.3 Star Rating Over 200 Reviews
Drywood Termite Alates

Understanding Drywood Termites: Signs, Swarming Season, and Solutions

Drywood termites are a type of wood-eating insect that can cause significant damage to homes and other structures. Unlike subterranean termites, which need moisture from the soil to survive, drywood termites can live in dry wood for years without any source of additional moisture. This makes them particularly difficult to find, as they can comfortably reside inside your walls for years without a trace! Luckily, there are a few signs that can indicate a drywood termite infestation: Finding termite...

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Kenny Devore

Battling Yellowjackets: Eco-Friendly IPM Strategies for Your Home

As the Service Manager at ATCO Pest Control, I’ve seen firsthand how the warmer months in the San Francisco Bay Area bring out the best of our outdoor lifestyle—and the worst of yellowjacket activity. With 15 years of Diamond Certified service, our team is dedicated to keeping your family-friendly gatherings just that—free from the worry of yellowjackets spoiling the fun. Why Are Yellowjackets More Aggressive Now? Yellowjackets are particularly troublesome in late summer and early fall. As their...

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Spring Machado

From Termite Technician to Accounting Manager: Spring Machado’s 11-Year Story

This month, we are delighted to introduce you to Spring Machado, a dedicated member of the ATCO family for 11 years. Spring has worn many hats during her time with us, showcasing her versatility and commitment. She began her career in the Termite Department, where she honed her skills and developed a deep understanding of the industry. A few years later, Spring transitioned to the Accounting Department, where she found her true calling. Reflecting on this shift, Spring shares, “I enjoyed...

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Mosquito larvae underwater.

World Mosquito Day 2024: Protecting Your Home and Community

World Mosquito Day 2024 is more than just a date on the calendar—it’s a reminder of the ongoing fight against mosquito-borne diseases that affect millions globally. At ATCO Pest Control, we’re proud to join the World Mosquito Program in raising awareness and promoting effective solutions to keep your home and community mosquito-free. Mosquitoes are more than a nuisance; they’re carriers of serious diseases like dengue, Zika, and West Nile virus. On this World Mosquito Day 2024, we encourage you...

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