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What Are Vespid Wasps | How to Get Rid of Vespid Wasps

Date: June 14, 2023
Written by: ATCO Pest Control
What Are Vespid Wasps | How to Get Rid of Vespid Wasps

Wasps in California come in a wide range of varieties, and are classified by their key behavioral differences; solitary, or social. Only a few wasp species live in social communities. Vespula, the “social-family” of wasps in general covers the group we refer to as Wasps, Hornets, and Yellow Jackets. Each type of Vespula is further distinguished by its nesting behaviors and key visible traits. Some, are aggressive predators most of the year feeding on larger insects like flies, while others spend more time scavenging for easy food like nectar, insect larvae, or tiny spiders.

The genus “Dolichovespula Vulgaris”, as a group, is becoming more common around California. Often found on, around, and within structures, this group of Vespid wasps, or yellow jackets, are the social type of wasps most encountered around back-yard barbeques, and whose nests are sometimes encountered in the ground or an abandoned rodent burrow. They are also well-known for their painful bites, and their beautiful aerial nests, which are typically constructed of exposed paper among the leafy branches of trees and shrubs. We often refer to these yellow and black insects as Yellow Jackets.

Around our lovely state is the Paravespula Vulgaris family; within which, the German (Germanica), North American (Pensylvanica), and literal translation “Common” (Vulgaris) Yellow Jackets are often found.

Yellow jackets typically become a nuisance pest when they hunt for protein sources, used to feed their growing colonies. Yellow jacket venom, from their stingers, contains destructive enzymes that can cause blood cell damage in humans, especially after multiple stings. Aside from possible anaphylaxis response, damaged tissue debris from the envenomed blood cells travels through the kidneys where they compound within the organs and cause blockages, sometimes resulting in renal failure.

Keep a “healthy” distance between them and yourselves and call for help before your yard becomes their playground!

Integrated Pest Management (IPM): Yellow Jackets

Science-based, Integrated Pest Management (IPM) promotes collaboration to repel and eliminate yellow jacket activity.

Did you know: aphids in your garden play a huge role in other insect activity around your yard? “Honeydew”, which is the sweet secretion that aphids produce as they feed on plant sap, is such a life-sustaining substance that many other bugs, like ants and bees, fight for their access to the freshest honeydew available. By working to reduce the small insect population around your yard naturally, the overall attractiveness and interest level for wasps and yellow jackets decrease dramatically.

When outdoors, be vigilant about keeping garbage in tightly sealed containers, and cover beverages and foods, including pet foods. Combine that vigilance with ATCO IPM treatments, and together we can repel and keep yellow jackets from nesting and forming colonies near your home.

To reduce the number of yellow jackets foraging around your garden or near your patio, we strategically place traps around the periphery of your property including areas like garbage cans, and outdoor grills. These traps are then checked on a consistent weekly basis, throughout the summer and autumn, until the yellow jacket activity is reduced or eliminated.

All treatment methods were not made the same! On that note, trapping is only suggested for specific types of social wasps, and may not be the best option for you! Make sure you call the professionals to prescribe the best technique for your specific pest colony.

3 Tips to Plan Ahead For Yellow Jackets

  1. Plan your attack – Managing other pests throughout the year helps prevent yellow jackets. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) incorporates a range of pest control methods to address issues that can avoid yellow jacket colonies.
  2. Food, water, and shelter – Yellow jackets need protein from meat, and energy from sugary carbohydrates to thrive. The best way to keep yellow jackets away is to control their access to food, water, and shelter in your yard and landscaping.
  3. Hire professionals – Underground nests can be located a distance from their visible entrance. Agitated wasps are likely to be encountered at some distance from their nest when disturbed. Hiring pest management professionals will reduce the risks of stinging insects to you and your family.

ATCO offers various treatments that not only eliminate infestations but help prevent their return, using proven, science-based methods to keep them away. Don’t try to battle a colony alone! Call for reinforcements from ATCO

Not Sure What Kind of Wasp You Just Found?

Capture a photo of the nest or the nuisance pest to properly identify it at your inspection for a custom treatment on your property. Just a call away, ATCO IPM professionals are trained in techniques to provide the best chance of eliminating yellow jackets and other stinging insects in the shortest amount of time.

Integrated Pest Management for Yellow Jackets from ATCO Pest Control can help reduce populations in peak seasons and throughout the year.

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